12 April - 25 May 2024

Gallery 495 is pleased to present Catalina Viejo Lopez de Roda’s show, Light Beings. The series of portraits transcend the physical dimensions of the self or collective consciousness while depicting heads, faces and busts that emit or absorb light. Influenced by self-care practices, forms of intimacy, and symbols of inner light, these light beings are in a constant state of transformation. The figures nod their heads to fantastical, morphological, and psychological aspects of shapeshifting. 

As we’re consumed by the presence of the portraits, the light beings become familiar faces; other times, they are born out of an impression. Many of the drawings combine faces created through imagination, memory and historical context. Some are inspired by Greek, Egyptian, and Roman classical sculptural heads, others are a literal translation of the artist’s perspective of herself, as she occasionally uses her face to print directly onto the page.